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Zero Lag Multi Timeframe Moving Average
Trading 101: Sip & Learn

It's time to take the guesswork out of moving averages and multiple timeframes when day trading. Moving averages are a cornerstone of many trading strategies, often viewed as dynamic support and resistance levels.

BitCoin consumes too much resources. But what's the cost of printing money?
Moves in the cryptocurrency space

The next time someone says "BitCoin consumes too much in resources."  I want you to send this to them.The costs of printing U.S. dollars involve multiple layers, including material costs, operational costs, labor, security, and transportation. Here's a breakdown of the known variables and their approximate contributions:

Zircuit (ZRC) Another Pump and Dump Coin
Trading 101: Sip & Learn

Zircuit, an AI-enabled zk-rollup, claims to revolutionize blockchain by combining AI-driven security and zero-knowledge technology for faster, cheaper, and safer transactions on Ethereum. This article explores these bold promises and examines whether Zircuit can overcome Ethereum's inherent challenges. "This is HYPE and you become the Liquidity Poo...

Heiken Ashi RSI KillZone
Trading 101: Sip & Learn

Introducing the Heiken Ashi RSI Kill-Zone by CoffeeShopCrypto.(All Users will get a 10 day free trial of this script) Just comment belowThe Heiken Ashi RSI Kill-Zone indicator is a breakthrough tool designed to unravel the common myths surrounding RSI and trend analysis in the world of technical trading. It challenges the traditional concepts of RSI interpretation, offering traders a clearer, real-time view of market dynamics that was previously elusive. Here's how it changes the game: 

Liquidity Trading Strategy: (Types of liquidity and what to do with them)
Trading 101: Sip & Learn

You found liquidity. Now here is what yo do with it. In this chart price action I have marked out where previous types of liquidity existed.At the left you can see there was an uptrend but this uptrend had no factors showing LOW liquidity. Only strong high liquidity. Using the rules below you can mark out liquidity levels and what to expect wh...

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