Hey ! yes I did change back to LordKaan, though I made the changes on profile, will check now
Hello Eric ! I would like the 10 days trials on it, looks great TV : LordKaan
Thanks for the upload, can't really see the box with the code of MFI though?
Hey ! Great improvment !There are some candles that are between red and green, what's their meaning?https://snipboard.io/obKdY7.jpg
The original Algo was already a great tool, played and still playing with it, can't wait to test the new version, with more integrated tools as it seems
Can't find it in private invite
Can you give me access to the reupload 10/28?
Some feedback on a trade I took yesterday on MNQ M1 :Waited for the price to break the resistance (green), and on the second entry, it also broke the