Very nice, great effort, much appreciated. Big fan of CSC HARSI 2022 as well.

CoffeeShopCrypto well im a big fam of you being here River 6 months ago

RSI is a key indicator for me, I use it regularly, the improvements and interpretations offered here are intriguing. Given the old saw markets trend s

CoffeeShopCrypto is friends with River

“Style” suggestion for CSC HARSI 2022:Adding shapes ▲ ▼ [or shape choice/ with color choice] when HA CANDLE opens below and closes above RSI BASED MA

CoffeeShopCrypto hi River Hi @River This unfortunately isnt something i would do. I honestly dont even recommend using it as an indicators of anything either.
In the...
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8 months ago
CoffeeShopCrypto River What if instead there was an indication like you are looking for that would tell you the RSI is about to reject its move. A support and... Show more 8 months ago
River Re "For this to work you would ONLY be able to use it if your RSI MA was LOCKED to a specific value or number."

Oddly, I do lock into a specific RSI...
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8 months ago

Nice flow...may have to rename Magic Bean when ready to roast [I waive my copyright claim in exchange for lifetime access!] Oscillators, for me, are always helpful. My preference with oscillators is to have author include table that sits some adjustable position to right that includes indicia of strength, direction of change, or any helfpul...

An oscillator would be exceptional for context, looking forward to seeing that in action

Correction: that is Pacific Time on chart

Emini, 5 minute, 12.01.2023, chart is Eastern time USA, order flow/candlestick volume footprints


I prefer a balance between technical indicators and candlestick volume footprints, the "order flow" showing what happened inside a candlestick on any timeframe. Technical indicators more for where to trade, an area or price, and order flow analysis for when to trade and what price to trade. Order flow is, technically, an indicator, too, providing...

Update is great and appreciate the explantion, hangover cured! An additional "convenience" observation is having a background vertical stripe print wh

Could be a hangover here, but 10 of 10/28 SMA appears to land as an EMA when plotted up against CoffeeShop Crypto 3ple MA [set to EMA] for comparison. Also, on 10/28, is it possible to add color selection for midline for user? The TV video is very he

Intrigued about the 1028 strategy, how the 28 behaves, the liquidity concept is appealing [anything to help not go offside], and look forward to testing, commenting, thanks!

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